The current infatuation with themselves by this nation’s elites is about to run headfirst into a brick wall. Their attempt to transform the United States into their sick version of a one-party tyranny under the banner of a new hybrid of socialism is doomed to failure.
Their psychotic obsession to rid themselves of the threat that Donald Trump posed to their evil plans has prompted unforced and fatal errors. The blatant hijacking of the 2020 election using the Chinese Coronavirus as cover. Defaming half of the voting citizenry as irredeemable domestic terrorists that must be vanquished. Accusing nearly 70% of the population of being racists solely because they are white.
Unable to control themselves and within hours of having assumed control of Congress and the White House, plunging headfirst into uncharted political overreach through an avalanche of Executive Orders. The vast majority of the ruling class are not the best and brightest. They are mere hangers-on who have an insatiable need to be considered part of the in-crowd.
While many have framed elite university diplomas hanging on their walls, they still lack common sense. Their espousal of Marxism/socialism is self-serving as this philosophy empowers an omnipotent ruling class. Yet, they could not survive a week in those repressive societies they glorify and wish to force on the rest of the country.
When confronted with their failures they invariably blame others and are, for the most part, moral and physical cowards. They will not stand up to an organized and determined citizenry. Therefore, Americans must now mobilize to not just win skirmishes but to permanently dispatch these lying socialists who have declared their determination to transform America and create a one-party tyrannical rule.
The time has come for massive peaceful civil disobedience as espoused by Martin Luther King. Marches and demonstrations must become commonplace. Additionally, the vast majority of Americans need to stop watching and reading the mainstream and social media and instead search out and support alternative news sources.
The citizens of each state must mobilize and demand that unlawful or illegal edicts and Executive Orders emanating from Washington must be ignored by the individual state governors and not just challenged in the courts. The citizenry needs to forcefully and immediately concentrate on changing election laws in all the state legislatures.
Further, the focus in future elections should not be on Congress but rather governorships and state legislatures throughout the country. It is imperative that the people vote in the congressional primaries as if they were the general election in order to dispatch to the ash heap elected officials that aided and abetted the election fraud of 2020, the second impeachment of Donald Trump and any legislation advancing the tyrannical agenda of the ruling class.
And lastly, various elements of the populace need to stop falling prey to the not-so-subtle message put forth by various elements of the mainstream and social media monopoly that all is lost, and the left has won the war to transform the nation. They have not and will not.
Pessimism and defeatism are what the ruling elites are counting on. Confidence and a willingness to fight for this country is what is needed now. The above actions are rooted in the freedoms Americans have enjoyed since 1776 and cannot be eliminated by any party without precipitating a violent civil war they will lose. That is why the current attempt to force a one-party rule on the United States will never succeed.