27 Jan

By Steve Schoonover

First of all let me be very clear.  I am not advocating violence against our government or any government official.  You can not attack the federal government.  They are too powerful.  I do not advocate for a civil war.  That being said, I will continue.

America fought a war against itself over one hundred and fifty years ago.  Slavery was the driving force behind that civil war, and it was unfortunate, yet necessary to end slavery. 

Today, America faces another possible civil war, this time it’s to stop the destruction of our country by the radical leftists since the election chaos of 2020 gave us Joe Biden and his socialist tyrants. The left is in an all-out attack on conservative Republicans who dared vote for Donald Trump.  

They are talking about re-education camps to de-program Trump voters from the so-called “cult of Trump”.  So now, if we vote against what the left wants us to do, they will come to take us away the way the Nazi’s took away the Jews.  

The leftist tyrants are now in complete power of our government and they are ready to purge our country of those they oppose. They support the shutdown of conservative thought and speech by big tech giants.  Twitter and Facebook are silencing conservatives for daring to even question the election outcome.

Now they are talking about sedition if we say the election was stolen.  They want to put us in chains. Parler is the main competition for Twitter, and now Parler can’t find anyone to host their website.  Nancy Pelosi and her band of vagabonds are trying to expel certain Republicans from Congress for daring to question the election as well.  And this from the party that gave us Russia Collusion for four years, a collusion that has been widely debunked.

These people accuse Trump of sedition because a few nuts attacked the U.S. Capital.  Yet they themselves are guilty of sedition.  Here are just three examples:  Nancy Pelosi said this regarding migrant children being separated at the border.  "I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. And maybe there will be, when people realize that this is a policy that they defend." 

Maxine Waters said this about Trump…“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Vice President Harris said this…“Nothing that we have achieved that has been about progress, in particular around civil rights, has come without a fight, and so I always am going to interpret these protests as an essential component of evolution in our country — as an essential component or mark of a real democracy,” the vice presidential nominee said during the NAACP’s national convention. 

She added that protests were “necessary” as “the people’s voices must be heard, and it is often the people who must speak to get their government to do what it is supposed to do, but may not do naturally unless the people speak loudly — and obviously peacefully.” Harris also praised the “brilliance” and “impact” of “Black Lives Matter,” which has received media praise but also come under fire for promoting left-wing stances like opposing the nuclear family. “I actually believe that ‘Black Lives Matter’ has been the most significant agent for change within the criminal justice system,” she said.

The same corrupt deep state punks that Obama had running this country are now back in power.  Some of these people should be in jail, such as John Brennan, James Comey, Susan Rice, Hillary.  I could go on and on listing names but I think you get the point.  Now they are pissed that they have been exposed and are now out for blood.  They don’t want to just silence conservatives, they want to imprison us.  

They want to make our free speech illegal because it goes against their new world order.  They are now out to destroy the lives of Trump administration officials by denying them work and refusing to allow them to write books.  Now there is talk about not letting Trump build a Presidential Library.  

These people (Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Biden, Hillary, Brennan, Comey and many others) are threatening half the country for daring to speak out.  We can’t remain silent while these tyrannical socialists run roughshod over us.  If they come after me, they better bring plenty of body bags because I will fight. 

There are some things worth dying for, and freedom is one of them. These tyrants really believe that passing laws to silence conservatives will lead to a peaceful nation.  They are corruptible idiots who have no idea of the hell that will be unleashed on them if they try to threaten us into silent submission.  

Now is the time to scream out in defiance.  Now is the time to do whatever we can to sabotage their unconstitutional plans. They want total and complete power and they will do everything they can to achieve their goal if they are not confronted.

Ronald Reagan said “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”  He’s right.  Freedom must be fought for, continually, or tyrants like those now in power will take it away.  

Is a new American Civil War unavoidable?  If the leftist tyrants continue to believe they can silence us, through fear and unconstitutional edicts, then yes, it is unavoidable.  Americans have always been free.  To suddenly lose it by the actions of radicals will only lead to American blood being shed again.  I pray it never comes to that.  I pray cooler heads will prevail to stop these tyrannical Democrats from the destructive path they are headed for.  We will not be silenced.

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